Community Languages

The Library's website can be translated into the nine languages the library carries using the Google Translate widget found on the bottom right of the page.  For additional languages visit, enter in the “websites” tab, and follow the Google Translate link to the Library’s website to select your preferred language.

Digital Resources

OverDrive/Libby Spanish

Discover and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines in Spanish

Digital Resources

OverDrive/Libby Chinese

Discover and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines in Chinese

Digital Resources

Content in over 100 world languages

Digital Resources

Current publications from over 120 countries, in 60 different languages

Learn a Language

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone

Includes 24 languages and offers over 50 hours of foundational immersion instruction at every language level.

Mango Languages

Mango Languages

Access to over 70 world language courses and 20 English courses taught in the native language of the user. Includes Little Pim and ASL.

Language Learning Titles

Language Learning Titles

Prefer to learn offline? Acquire a new language or enhance the skills you already have with books and other media.


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