Watch Video Storytime
Read Together
Browse these resources and book suggestions for promoting Early Literacy, or visit us at a community library for more recommendations for you and your child to read and explore together.
Visit our Kids page for resources and book suggestions for older children.
Stories to Go Kits
DÃa Libros con un poquito de Español/Books with some Spanish
DÃa: Libros Bilingües/Bilingual Books
Stories to Go Kits
DÃa Libros con un poquito de Español/Books with some Spanish
DÃa: Libros Bilingües/Bilingual Books
In the Community
Rolling Reader
The Library's all-electric early literacy van brings storytimes, crafts, STEM activities, library cards, and giveaway books to families in underserved communities across the county. These free services support early literacy skills and foster a love of reading in young children. Keep an eye out for the Rolling Reader on the road!

Reach Out and Read
In partnership with Contra Costa Health Services and La ClÃnica, the Contra Costa County Library provides new books for children from birth to age 5 years old to receive during well-baby visits. For more information visit Reach Out and Read.
Book Recommendations

About Early Literacy
Children Birth to Age 5
Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they actually start formal instruction. It is the process and activities that build a foundation to help children get ready to learn to read. It is never too early to prepare children for success as readers.
Caregivers are encouraged to read, sing, play, write and talk with their child.