Historical Contra Costa County Newspapers: Holdings by City
Antioch Ledger
History: 1870-1937.
Continued by Daily Ledger (1937+)
Title varies: Antioch Ledger (1870-1876); The Weekly Antioch Ledger (1876-1899); The Ledger (1899-1902); Antioch Ledger (1902-1937)
Library holdings:
- Available Online: March 1870 - Dec. 1872; Jan. 1877 - Dec. 1880; Feb. 1884; Jan. 1886 - Mar. 1886; Sept. 1886 - Dec. 1886; March 1887; April 1890 - Dec. 1923
- Antioch: Film:
[The Antioch Ledger] Mar. 26, 1870 - 1872;
[The Weekly Antioch Ledger] 1877 - 1880; Feb. 1884 - March. 1887; Apr. 1890 - Nov. 25, 1899;
[The Ledger] 1899 - 1902;
[Antioch Ledger] Apr. 26, 1902 - Apr. 2, 1937 (incomplete)
Antioch Press
Library holdings:
- Antioch: 2001+ current
Daily Ledger (Antioch)
History: March 26, 1870+
Title varies: Antioch Ledger, 1870-1937; Daily Ledger, 1937-Sept 30, 1990; Daily Ledger Post Dispatch, Oct. 1, 1990-Aug. 7, 1994; Ledger Dispatch, Aug. 8, 1994+
Library holdings:
- Antioch: Film:
[Antioch Daily Ledger] Apr. 5, 1937 - Mar. 14, 1975;
[Daily Ledger] Mar. 15, 1975 - Nov. 1988
Daily Ledger Post Dispatch (Antioch; Pittsburg)
History: Oct. 1, 1990-Aug. 7, 1994.
Continues Antioch Ledger, 1870-1937, and Daily Ledger, 1937-Sept. 30, 1990. Continued by Ledger Dispatch, Aug. 8, 1994+
Library holdings:
- Antioch: Film: 1870-1872; 1961-Sept. 1998; Paper: 1950-1960, July 1999+
Ledger Dispatch (Antioch)
History: Aug. 8, 1994+
Continues Antioch Ledger, 1870-1937, Daily Ledger, 1937-Sept. 30, 1990, and Daily Ledger Post Dispatch, Oct. 1, 1990-Aug. 7, 1994.
Library holdings:
- All community libraries: Database (Newsbank): March 1997+
- Antioch: Film: 1870-1872; 1961-Sept. 1998; Paper: 1950-1960, July, 1999
Brentwood News
History: 1902+
Library holdings:
- All community libraries: Database (Newsbank): July 2001+
- Antioch: Film: March 1937-Sept. 1998;
- Oakley: Paper: Aug. 1999+
Byron Times
History: 1906-1939
Library holdings:
- Available Online: July 1907 - July 1911; July 1913 - Dec. 1923
- Antioch: Film: July 19, 1907-July 7, 1911; July 11, 1913-June 1935. Bound: 1908-1937 Booster Editions (Vault R 071.943)
Clayton Pioneer
Library holdings:
- Clayton: Paper: 1996 + current (incomplete)
Concord Transcript
History: Nov. 1896+
Title varies: The Transcript (1905-1910); Concord Transcript (1911-1958); Daily Transcript (1958-1967); Concord Transcript (1967-1995)
Library holdings:
- Available Online: Jan. 1905 - December 1905; Jan. 1907 - Dec. 1907; July 1909 - March 1910; Dec. 1910 - Nov. 1923
- All community libraries: Database (Newsbank): January, 1996+
- Walnut Creek: Film: [The Transcript] Jan. 7, 1905 - Dec. 31, 1910; [Concord Transcript] Jan. 7, 1911 - June 1951; Oct. 1951 - Oct. 24, 1958 (incomplete);May 31, 1967 - May 26, 1982; Oct. 7, 1987 - 1995 [Daily Transcript] Oct. 27, 1958 - May 29, 1967;
- Clayton: Current 3 months
Diablo Beacon (Concord)
History: August 28, 1928-Nov. 1967
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: June 22, 1949-Nov. 1, 1967
Crockett Signal
Library holdings:
- Crockett: Paper: Oct. 1989 +
Danville Journal
Title varies: Danville Journal, 1914-May 11, 1918; Contra Costa Courier & Danville Journal, May 31, 1918- Sept. 1930
Library holdings:
- Available Online: May 31, 1918 - June 1922; Aug. 1922 - Dec. 1923
- Walnut Creek: Film: [Danville Journal] Nov. 5, 1914 - May 11, 1918; [Contra Costa Courier and Danville Journal] May 31, 1918 - Sept. 1930
Sentinel (Danville)
Title varies: San Ramon Valley Sentinel (-Dec. 2001); Valley Sentinel (Jan.-April. 2002), Sentinel (May 2002+)
Library Holdings:
- San Ramon: Paper: 1 year
Valley Pioneer (Danville)
History: 1954+
Continued by and continues the Valley Times.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: March 1960-Aug. 1960, Jan. 1961- Aug. 1988.
- San Ramon: Paper: 3 months +
Valley Times (Danville)
Continued by and continues the Valley Pioneer.
Library holdings:
- All community libraries: Database (Newsbank): June, 1995+
- Walnut Creek: Film:Nov.-Dec.1983; July, 1984-July 1986
- Danville: Paper: 1 month + current
- San Ramon: Paper: 1 year + current (ACO - Dublin has older issues)
El Cerrito
Contra Costan (El Cerrito)
Library holdings:
- Available Online: June 1917 - Sept. 1918; Sept. 1920 - July 22, 1921
- Pinole: Film: June 1917- Sept. 1918; Sept. 1920 – July 22, 1921
El Cerrito Journal
History: 1917-1979; 1984-1988
Continued by the Times-Journal (Richmond), 1979-84. Continued by The Journal, 1988-
Library holdings:
- Available Online: Jan. 1922 - Dec. 1923
- Pinole: Film:
[The Journal] 1922-1925; May 2, 1929; Oct 3, 1929;
[El Cerrito Journal] 1934-1943; 1950-Sept. 26, 1979; Oct 15, 1986- Dec 21, 1987
El Cerrito Journal
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times.
Library holdings:
- All community libraries: Database (Newsbank): July 2001+
Journal (El Cerrito)
History: Continues the El Cerrito Journal (1917-1979;1984-1988)
Library holdings:
- El Cerrito: Paper: 1988+
El Sobrante
El Sobrante Herald
Library holdings:
- El Sobrante: Paper: 1958-1974
Kensington Outlook
History: 1944+
Library holdings:
- Kensington: Bound: 1944-1992. Paper: 1993+ current
Contra Costa Sun (Lafayette)
History: 1970+
Continues the Lafayette Sun, Midweek Sun, Moraga Sun, Orinda Sun, Pleasant Hill Sun, Walnut Creek Sun.
Library holdings:
- All community libraries: Database (Newsbank): Jan. 1996+
- Lafayette: Paper: 1997+
- Orinda: Paper: 1988+
- Moraga: Paper: 1997+
Lafayette Sun
History: 1936-1972
Continued by the Contra Costa Sun.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film:1957-1979 (includes filmed holdings for Moraga Sun 1973-1979)
Midweek Sun (Lafayette)
History: 1970-June 25, 1980
Continued by the Contra Costa Sun.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film:1970-June 1980; Bound: Dec. 4, 1968-1972, 1975-1976
Squire (Lafayette)
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: July 4, 1968-Oct. 24, 1973
Contra Costa Gazette (Martinez)
History: Sept. 18, 1858-Nov. 1, 1963
Published in Pacheco from Sept. 1861-Nov. 1873. Continues the Daily Gazette. Continued by the Morning News Gazette.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: May 1860 - Dec. 1900; Jan. 1905 - Dec. 1922
- Walnut Creek: Film:
[Contra Costa Gazette] Jan. 27, 1865 - 1888;
[Contra Costa Semi-Weekly Gazette] Apr. 11, 1888 - Dec. 31, 1892;
[Contra Costa Gazette] 1893 - 1900; 1905 - 1916; Jul. 1918 - 1923;
[Contra Costa Gazette and Daily Gazette] Sept. 18, 1926 - Dec. 1926; 1929-Jan. 1930;
[Contra Costa Gazette] Feb. 3, 1930 - Nov. 8, 1930;
[Contra Costa Gazette and Martinez Daily Standard] Dec. 1930 - Feb. 17, 1934;
[Contra Costa Gazette] Feb. 19, 1934 - Aug. 21, 1962;
[Daily Contra Costa Gazette] Aug. 22, 1962 - Nov. 1, 1963
Contra Costa Standard (Martinez)
History: 1906-1917; 1930-1963
Continues the County Paper. Continued by and continues the Martinez Daily Standard.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Jan. 1957-Oct. 25, 1963
Daily Gazette (Martinez)
History: 1905-1930
Continues the Daily Press. Continued by the Contra Costa Gazette.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: July 1905 - June 1906; Jan. 1907 - June 1911; Jan. 1912 - Dec. 1922
- Walnut Creek: Film:July 1905 -June 1906, 1907 - June 1911, 1912 - Nov. 8, 1930
Daily Press (Martinez)
History: 1900-1905
Continued by the Daily Gazette.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: Jan. 5 1905 - Mar. 18, 1905
- Walnut Creek: Film: Jan.5 -March 18, 1905
Martinez Daily Standard (Martinez)
History: 1917-1930
Continues and continued by the Contra Costa Standard.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: May 1911 - Dec.1922
- Walnut Creek: Film: Jan 1911-Nov. 1930
Martinez Herald (Martinez)
Title varies: Martinez Morning Herald
History: 1931-1940
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: [Martinez Morning Herald] Mar. 31, 1931 - June 27, 1934; [Martinez Herald] July 1934 - 1937; Jan. - Aug. 10, 1939
Martinez News-Gazette (Martinez)
History: April 1977-Dec. 2019
Continues the Morning News-Gazette.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: April 15, 1977-Aug. 29, 2006.
As of 2020, online only at https://martinezgazette.com/
Martinez Record (Martinez)
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times. Continued by the Record.
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): Jan. 1996 - Jan. 16, 2002
Morning News-Gazette (Martinez)
History: Nov. 1963-March 1977
Continues the Contra Costa Gazette. Continued by the Martinez News-Gazette.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Nov. 4, 1963-April 14, 1977
Record (Pleasant Hill and Martinez)
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times. Continues the Martinez Record and the Pleasant Hill Record.
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): April 2002+
Orinda News
Library holdings:
- Orinda: Paper: 1986+ (incomplete)
Pinole Hercules News
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film: Feb.-Dec. 1946, 1899-1970 (Pinole historical clippings)
Pinole Progress
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Bound: 1961-1967
Pinole Times
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film: August 1940-April 1942
Pinole Weekly Times
Library Holdings
- Pinole: Film: Jan. 1938-Mar. 1940
Pittsburg Independent
History: Sept 28, 1928-1946
Continued by Pittsburg Post-Dispatch.
Library holdings:
- Antioch: Film: 1928-1944
Pittsburg Post
History: 1900-1930
Continued by the Pittsburg Post-Dispatch.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: Jan. 4, 1913 - May 1915; August 1915 - June 1919; Oct. 1919 - March 1923
- Antioch: Film: 1913-1930
Pittsburg Post-Dispatch
History: 1930+
Continues Pittsburg Post, Pittsburg Dispatch, and Pittsburg Independent.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: Jan. 3, 1917 - Dec. 31, 1918
- Antioch: Film: 1930+. Paper: 1 year + current
Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Hill Clarion
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Jan. 29,1963-May 1, 1964
Pleasant Hill Explorer
Continued by the Outlook (Pleasant Hill)
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Feb. 7, 1973-Sept. 12, 1973
Pleasant Hill News
Continued by Morning News-Gazette
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Jan. 3, 1957-Oct. 31, 1963
Pleasant Hill News-Week
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Feb. 26, 1969 - August 20,1969
Pleasant Hill Post
History: 1956-1972
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Nov. 23, 1961-Nov. 23, 1972
Pleasant Hill Record
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times. Continued by the Record.
Library holdings:
All branches: Database (Newsbank): Jan. 1996 - Jan. 16, 2002
Pleasant Hill Sun
History: 1956-Feb 20, 1970
Continued by the Contra Costa Sun (Lafayette)
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: July 8, 1960-Feb. 20, 1970
Record (Pleasant Hill, Martinez)
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times. Continues the Martinez Record and the Pleasant Hill Record.
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): April 2002+
Contra Costa Independent
History: 1981-1984.
Continues the North East Bay Independent & Gazette. See also the Richmond Independent.
Library Holdings:
- Pinole: Film: Oct-Dec 1981; Mar-July 1982; Oct 1982-April 1984
Independent & Gazette
History: 1954-1975.
Continues the Richmond Independent (1952-1954). Continued by the North East Bay Independent & Gazette (1978-1981).
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film: June 10, 1954 - Apr. 29, 1978
North East Bay Independent and Gazette
History: 1978-1981.
Continues the Independent (1954-1975). Continued by the Contra Costa Independent. See also the Richmond Independent (1910-1984).
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film: May 1, 1978 - Sept. 13, 1981
Richmond Daily Independent
History: 1910 - 1952
Continued by Richmond Independent (1952-1954). See also the Richmond Independent(1910-1984).
Library holdings:
- Available Online: June 7, 1910 - Oct. 1920; Dec. 1920 - Dec. 1922
- Pinole: Film: June 7, 1910 – Feb. 5, 1952
Richmond Independent
History: June, 1910-1984
Title varies: Richmond Daily Independent (1910-1952); Richmond Independent (1952-1954); Independent (1954-1978); North East Bay Independent and Gazette (1978-1981); Contra Costa Independent (1981-1984)
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film:
[Richmond Daily Independent] June 7, 1910 - Feb. 5, 1952;
[Richmond Independent] Feb. 6, 1952 - June 9, 1954;
[The Independent] June 10, 1954 - Apr. 29, 1978;
[North East Bay Independent and Gazette] May 1, 1978 - Sept. 13, 1981;
[Contra Costa Independent] Oct. - Dec. 1981; Mar. - July 1982; Oct. 1982 - Apr. 1984
- Richmond Public Library: Film: 1910-1984
West County Times
History: 1984+?
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): June, 1995+
- Pinole: Film: 1987+
- Richmond: Film: July 1984+. Paper: 1 year + current
West County Weekly
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times.
Library Holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): July, 2001+
San Pablo
News (San Pablo)
History: Nov. 5, 1980-April 28, 1982.
Continues the San Pablo News (1950-1980).
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film: Nov. 5, 1980 - April 28, 1982.
San Pablo News
History: Jan 14, 1923-April 28, 1982
Continued by the Times-Journal (El Cerrito)
Title varies: San Pablo Bee (1923-1950); San Pablo News (1950-1980); The News (1980-1982)
Library holdings:
- Pinole: Film: Dec. 9, 1949 - Dec. 1, 1950; June 27, 1958 - Oct. 29, 1980
San Ramon
Herald (Pleasanton)
Title varies: Tri-Valley Herald; The Herald
Library holdings:
- Danville: Paper: 1 month + current
- San Ramon: Paper: 1 year + current
San Ramon Valley Sentinel: See Sentinel (Danville)
San Ramon Valley Times
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): June 1995+
Walnut Creek
Contra Costa Courier (Walnut Creek)
History: Oct. 26, 1911-1918.
Title varies: The Courier Of Central Contra Costa (1913)
Continued by the Contra Costa Courier and Danville Journal (May 31, 1918-Sept., 1930). See also the Contra Costa Times.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: Dec. 4, 1913 - May 16, 1918
- Walnut Creek: Film:
[The Courier of Central Contra Costa] Dec. 4, 1913 - Dec. 25, 1913;
[Contra Costa Courier] Jan. 1914 - May 16, 1918
Contra Costa Courier and Danville Journal (Walnut Creek, Danville)
History: May 31, 1918-Sept. 1930
Continues the Contra Costa Courier (1911-1918) and the Danville Journal. Continued by the Courier Journal. See also the Contra Costa Times.
Library holdings:
- Available Online: May 31, 1918 - June 1922; Aug. 1922 - Dec. 1923
- Walnut Creek: Film: May 31, 1918-Sept, 1930
Contra Costa News Register (Walnut Creek)
History: ?
Library holdings
- Antioch: Current year
Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek)
History: Jan. 1952-Apr. 4, 2016
Title varies: Contra Costa Courier (Oct. 26, 1911-1918); Contra Costa Courier and Danville Journal (May 31, 1918-Sept., 1930), Courier-Journal (Oct. 9, 1930- October 1946); Walnut Creek Courier-Journal (Nov. 1946-1951); Contra Costa Times (1952-Apr. 4, 2016). Continued by the East Bay Times.
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank) June 1995+
- Antioch: Paper: 4 months + current
- Clayton: Paper: 3 months
- Concord: Paper: 3 months + current
- Lafayette: Paper: Current month
- Martinez: Paper: 1 month + current
- Moraga: Paper: 3 months
- Oakley: Paper: 1 month + current
- Orinda: Paper: 4 months + current
- Walnut Creek: Film:
[The Courier of Central Contra Costa] Dec. 4, 1913-Dec. 25, 1913;
[Contra Costa Courier] Jan. 1914-May 16, 1918;
[Contra Costa Courier and Danville Journal] May 31, 1918-Sept, 1930;
[Courier Journal] Oct. 9, 1930-Oct. 31, 1946;
[Walnut Creek Courier-Journal] Nov.-Dec. 1946; Apr. 1948-Dec. 1951;
[Contra Costa Times] Feb. 4, 1952-Dec. 31, 2013 (incomplete)
- Walnut Creek: Paper: 1 month + current
- Ygnacio Valley: Paper: Current month
Courier Journal (Walnut Creek)
History: October 9, 1930-Dec. 1946
Continues the Contra Costa Courier and Danville Journal (1918-1930). Continued by the Walnut Creek Courier-Journal (1946-1951).
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Oct 9, 1930-Oct. 31, 1946
Walnut Creek Courier-Journal
History: 1946-1951.
Continues Courier Journal (1930-1946). Continued by the Contra Costa Times.
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Nov.-Dec. 1946; Apr. 1948-Dec. 1951
Walnut Creek Journal
History: Local edition of the Contra Costa Times.
Library holdings:
- All branches: Database (Newsbank): Jan. 1996+
- Walnut Creek: Paper: 1990+
Walnut Kernel (Walnut Creek)
History: 1931-?
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: June - Dec. 1950; 1957-Nov. 1, 1972
Walnut Creek Sun
History: 1952-1970?
Continued by the Contra Costa Sun (Lafayette)
Library holdings:
- Walnut Creek: Film: Jan. 1955-May 14, 1965
Last updated Oct. 2020