Submitted by CCCL_MichelleK
Okay! You’ve got your garden plot or containers ready for planting, and you may have some ideas in mind for what you’d like to grow. Before you put those seeds in the soil, you’ll want to make sure it’s the right time of year for that plant! Seed packets usually have information to guide you on this, and it’s also helpful to consult resources that are specific to your region – even the microclimate differences between West, Central and East Contra Costa County affect this. Once again, we have the Master Gardeners of Contra Costa as a fantastic source of information. Their website provides planting guides for vegetables, as well as seasonal checklists for what steps you can take to maintain your garden during different seasons.
We have also been hosting a series of webinars presented by Contra Costa Master Gardeners that are informative and enjoyable (and very popular, as a result!) If this is the first you’re hearing about them, don’t worry – you can view past recordings on our Library’s YouTube Page. Recent topics have included How to Grow a Successful Winter Garden and Seed Saving & Sharing. These are excellent introductions to the topics and will teach you how to prepare your plants and their seeds to contribute to your community seed library. I have learned a lot from these programs, and I hope you do too.
This is also a great time to mention the importance of growing California Natives. These plants are an important source of food for local pollinators and wildlife, contribute to the health of the soil, save water, and are sustainable to grow in our region. Seed libraries will usually have a separate section for California Natives, or note it on the seed packets. We have a lot of excellent books on California Natives in our collection that can help you learn more about successfully integrating them into your landscape.
I hope this series has been helpful! Have any questions or comments? We’d love to hear from you!
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