Kindergarten Countdown provides families with examples of fun and open-ended activities to support future school success. The activities are all designed to promote the early literacy skills of talking, singing, reading, writing, playing, fine-motor skills and self-help.
Los materiales en español se pueden encontrar aquí.
Want to create your own Kindergarten Countdown Kit? The following handouts will help.
Talking is the way most people communicate with each other. The more words a child speaks at home, the more words they will understand and speak at school. The more words a child can speak, the more likely they will recognize those words in print. Talking connects children to the world around them.
More Activities that Encourage Talking
Kindergarten Countdown: Talking
Kindergarten Countdown: Talking
Singing and other music-based activities help children to explore new ideas and new words. Singing is important because it slows language down. This helps children hear individual sounds in words.
More Activities that Encourage Singing
Kindergarten Countdown: Singing
Kindergarten Countdown: Singing
Reading together fosters language skills, and introduces new ideas and concepts to your child. When children are taught that reading is fun, they are much more likely to want to learn, and more likely to continue reading as they become older. Reading together is important!
More Activities that Encourage Reading
Kindergarten Countdown: Reading
Kindergarten Countdown: Reading
Writing and drawing are important methods of communication. When a young child scribbles, it is their first step toward writing.
More Activities that Encourage Writing
Kindergarten Countdown: Writing
Kindergarten Countdown: Writing
Playing is a child’s work. It is through play and exploration that a child learns most about the world around them.
More Activities that Encourage Playing
Kindergarten Countddown: Playing
Kindergarten Countdown: Playing
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are needed for writing, cutting, buttoning, zipping, and tying—all important skills needed for Kindergarten activities
More Activities that Encourage Fine Motor Skills
Kindergarten Countdown: Fine Motor Skills
Kindergarten Countdown: Fine Motor Skills
Self-help skills, such as caring for one’s own bathroom needs, hanging up one’s own coat, and controlling one’s emotions, are one of the most important indicators of school readiness according to kindergarten teachers.
More Activities that Encourage Self-Help
Kindergarten Countdown: Self Help
Kindergarten Countdown: Self Help
Cuenta Regresiva para el Kindergarten
Cuenta Regresiva para el Kindergarten es un programa que brinda a las familias ejemplos de actividades divertidas y abiertas para apoyar el futuro éxito escolar de sus hijos. Todas las actividades están diseñadas para promover las habilidades de alfabetización temprana como son: hablar, cantar, leer, escribir, jugar, habilidades motoras finas y de autoayuda.