The Library is piloting a new program designed to give access to the Concord Library on Sundays when the branch is normally closed.
Those who sign up for the service in advance will be able to enter the Concord Library between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Sundays beginning December 1. Library staff will not be present.
You can browse the collection and check out books, return items, pick up holds, connect to the Wi-Fi, and use the space for studying or reading.
To sign up for the service, you must have a library card in good standing, a valid ID, attend an in-person orientation, and sign a user agreement.
Once approved you will scan your library card at the door and use a unique PIN code to enter.
*Services not available will include computers, printing, scanning, photocopying, restrooms, LINK+ pickups and returns, use of the community meeting room, and the Friends bookstore.
Self-Service Sundays FAQs
Self-Service Sundays is the new pilot service that allows patrons to access the Concord Library without staff on site on Sundays.
Services offered:
- Pick up holds
- Browse library collections
- Use self-checkout machines
- Quiet reading or studying
- Connect to Wi-Fi
Services not offered:
- Computers, printing, scanning, or photocopying
- Restrooms
- LINK+ pick up or returns
- Community room
- Friends of the Library Bookstore
- Must be 18 years or older
- Contra Costa County Library card account in good standing
- Complete Self-Service Sunday interest form
- Attend an in-person orientation
- Read and sign the Self-Service Sundays user agreement