Next Full L/C Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 6:00pm
Physical Location:
County Administration Building
1025 Escobar St., Room 110A
Webinar Link:
Webinar ID: 990 1981 7954
Webinar Passcode: 228815
Library Commission
The Contra Costa County Library Commission was established by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors in March 1991. The Commission was created to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors and the County Librarian. The Library Commission is comprised of 24 voting members and 4 non-voting (ex-officio) members:
- Eighteen members representing the cities/towns in Contra Costa County - these Commissioners are appointed by the city/town councils (Richmond does not participate)
- Five members represent Contra Costa County - each member of the Board of Supervisors appoints one Commissioner
- One member representing the Central Labor Council
- Four Ex-Officio members representing the College District, East Bay Leadership Council, Office of Education and the Friends Council
The Commission application, interview, and appointment procedures vary for each city/town or special district. If you would like to express your interest in serving on the Library Commission, please contact the appropriate appointing authority for your community.
Scroll down to view vacant positions.
Library Commission Contact Information
Staff Liaison: Walter Beveridge
Phone: 925-608-7730
General Inquiries:
Contact the Library Commission
L/C Meeting Schedule 2025
March 20, 2025, 6:00 pm
May 15, 2025, 6:00 pm
July 17, 2025, 6:00 pm
September 18, 2025, 6:00 pm
November 20, 2025, 6:00 pm
Save the Date
Friends, Foundations & Library Commission Forum,
Saturday, October 4, 2024, 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Commission Members
John M. Huh, Ph.D.
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Antioch
Linda Sendig
Alternate: Vivian Faye
Represents: Brentwood
Amit Prayag
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Clayton
Tommy Smith (Commission Vice-Chair)
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Concord
Nicole Gemmer (Commission Chair)
Alternate: Robert Sanguedolce
Represents: Danville
Michael Fischer
Alternate: Bethany Woods
Represents: El Cerrito
Donna Rennie
Alternate: Jo Ellen Marcotte
Represents: Hercules
Mary Ann Hoisington
Alternate: Dorothy Walker
Represents: Lafayette
Matthew DeFraga
Alternate: Jim Dexter
Represents: Martinez
Amenda Kung
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Moraga
Kevin Armonio
Alternate: Arnold Fitzpatrick
Represents: Oakley
Shrikant Garde, Ph.D.
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Orinda
George Pursley
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Pinole
Zelda LeFrak-Belleci
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Pittsburg
Julia Dozier
Alternate: Richard Means
Represents: Pleasant Hill
Antonio Medrano
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: San Pablo
Marina Hsieh
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: San Ramon
Alternate: Heather Lurvey
Represents: Walnut Creek
Rachel Rosekind, Ph.D.
Alternate: Frederick Page
Represents: District 1 (Gioia)
Susan Hildreth
Alternate: Michael Swernoff
Represents: District 2 (Andersen)
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: District 3 (Burgis)
Sue Hamill
Alternate: Robert Mason
Represents: District 4 (Carlson)
Dennisha Marsh
Alternate: Robin Eckert
Represents: District 5 (Scales-Preston)
Lynn Mackey
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Office of Education
Bryan Thomas
Alternate: Stacie Hinton
Represents: Central Labor Council
Anne Kingsley
Alternate: Vacant
Represents: Contra Costa CCD
Other Committee Documents / Items of Interest
County's Video Viewing Requirements & Advisory Body Handbook
Brown Act & Better Government Ordinance Training: Brown Act and Better Government Ordinance Training must be completed within three months of appointment. This training is available as a video, opens a new window and materials packet, opens a new window, or as an in-person training. Contact the Clerk of the Board at or (925) 655-2000 to find out about opportunities for in-person training.
Ethics Training: Ethics training, also referred to as AB 1234 Local Government Official Training, is provided by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). To complete this training, please create an account, opens a new window and retain the certificate generated from the FPPC at the end of the training. Advisory body members who receive compensation, salary, stipend, or expense reimbursement must complete AB 1234 ethics training every two years. All other advisory body members should complete this training once within the first three months of appointment.
Implicit Bias Training: Implicit Bias Training is provided by the Kirwan Institute through an online module course, opens a new window or a materials packet, opens a new window. Alternatively, if you have received a certificate for completing an implicit bias training course through your employer or other civic organization, that can be accepted in lieu. This training is required to be completed within the first three
months of appointment and every two years thereafter.
Training Certification Form: Members should complete the Training Certification Form, opens a new window and return the signed form to the body's staff person.